The term suggestibility defines the ability of people to be influenced by external sources. A person develops this belief simply by listening to somebody when the information presented is factually incorrect. Someone experiences coercive pressure when another person compels them to perform or express actions that they do not wish to undertake. These two important concepts have significant influence in the psychological and psychiatric fields. These two concepts play a vital role in psychology and psychiatry. The reason is that they influence memories and decisions, which affect legal proceedings.

People tend to create fake memories of unreal events whenever they get repeated questions about something. The questioning process requires special attention from both doctors and police officers. Whenever working with medically or mentally unwell patients and children, they need to focus on them. Personnel subjected to coercion experience fear or threats, which forces them to provide untrue statements when frightened. These events commonly occur within criminal proceedings.

The University of Virginia Forensic Clinic operates to understand behavioral responses. This is crucial for suggestions and coercive manipulation methods among people. Their research enables courts to determine whether somebody gives genuine statements. These statements are often shaped by outside influences. Learning about brain functioning lets us defend ourselves from faulty memory creation. It assists to avoid mistreatment by others. Our knowledge of suggestibility and coercion helps us create fair decisions and assist people who are prone to outside influences.

Suggestibility and Coercion