A workplace needs to maintain total safety and protection. Health issues force healthcare employees to perform their duties with difficulty. The Workplace requires a Fitness for Duty (FFD) evaluation in such situations. The University of Virginia Forensic Clinic performs assessments to determine employee work capacity. It is done for the safe performance of duties.
FFD evaluations investigate three aspects of worker health to check their capacity for safe job performance. The assessment is needed when concerns exist about how someone performs at work and interacts with others and how they feel.
Medical experts with psychology backgrounds and doctors from the University of Virginia Forensic Clinic form the clinic. It conducts thorough examinations of each case. The medical staff, along with psychological experts, perform tests to determine health status. The University of Virginia Forensic Clinic personnel get more information through ongoing discussions with their colleagues and supervisors. The risk assessment procedure verifies that the person does not pose risks either to themselves or to others. https://uffeudithamep.com/reports/ provides the assessment results with recommendations about the next steps.
There are many reasons to choose the University of Virginia Forensic Clinic for an FFD evaluation. The clinic has experts in workplace health, keeps all assessments private, and provides support after the evaluation. Many organizations and employers trust their services.
To learn more, visit the University of Virginia Forensic Clinic.